IoT Inspiration Academy

By augustus 24, 2022november 18th, 2022Uncategorized

Save your spot for next year!


The IoT inspiration Academy consists of three elements:

1 – Online seminar “Introduction to IoT”
September 30, 14.00-15.00

Are you looking for information to get you started with IoT? This online seminar will introduce you to the myriad world of IoT. The basics of IoT are presented in an interactive live stream setup and clarified with multiple examples of applications. We will record this session, so if you can’t attend, you can watch the seminar recording later at your convenience.

2 – online course “The building blocks of IoT”
October 1-13, 2022

Want to get your hands dirty with IoT? This course is for you! You will receive the IoT Academy education kit with a sensor board, connectivity, and access to the Software AG Cumolocity data platform, with which you will learn to build your own IoT solution. Follow the course at your own pace on your time.
There is no obligation or prerequisite to completing the course before coming to the IoT Inspiration Day on October 14; however, if you do, we can then take you to the next step.

3 – Inspiration Day
October 14, 2022

10:00 – Welcome with coffee/tea
10:30 – Truly Connected Racing I – the real deal, ERA
11.30 – Truly Connected Racing II – the Proof of Concept, SoftwareAG
12.15 – Lunch
13.00 – Tour around the RDM Innovation Dock with pitches from KPN, Dent and RAMLAB
14.00 – Why IoT projects fail – Bart Schouw
15.00 – Wrap up
15.30 – Closing drinks

At the IoT Academy in Rotterdam, you follow an inspirational program about racing and IoT – with presentations by ERA Championship’s Technical and Business director Dieter Vanswijgenhoven and Software AG’s Senior Digital Solution Consultant Jan van der Lugt. These presentations will cover how you can measure and analyze data from racing cars and then use this data to optimize processes. The afternoon session kicks off with a guided tour around the Innovation Dock with a focus on applications of IoT.
 An IoT project knows many pitfalls along the way. Hear Software AG’s Chief Evangelist Bart Schouw talk you through the most commonly made mistakes and provide street-smart insights about the main reasons why IoT projects fail. The Inspiration Day closes with drinks – maybe the most essential part of the program.

Self study online course “The building blocks of IoT”

“The building blocks of IoT” course is an online course that provides you with a basic understanding of the Internet of Things (IoT) concepts. You learn about sensors, connectivity, and data platforms with visualization and alarm functionalities. When you have finished the course, you are able to understand the components of an IoT solution, and you experienced the concept of IoT, which empowers you to think about applications in your own processes or products.

The course

Your teacher is Niels Stamhuis, IoT specialist and trainer at the IoT Academy. In 4 short videos (15 minutes each), he guides you through the process of connecting your sensor board (see below) and managing your data on the platform while giving you an introduction to IoT. Once you have followed the course, you can add more sensors to the board and build dashboards to manage and interpret your data.

IoT Academy education kit

You will receive the IoT Academy education kit, which includes the Marvin -an IoT sensor board- and 4 different sensors. Along with the hardware, you also receive an account to Cumulocity, the SoftwareAG IoT platform. During the course, you will learn how to connect the Marvin to the internet, get your data flowing to the Cumulocity platform and manage your data using visualization and alarms.

Online Course && Inspiration Day
However following this course is not mandatory to participate in Inspiration Day, we strongly recommend you to do so. The course builds a foundation on which we will elaborate during Inspiration Day. During this day, we will educate you on real-life applications of IoT and the building blocks used to construct them.

Because the course is online, you can follow it in your own time and at your own pace, as long as you finish it before the start of Inspiration Day.

Bring the IoT Academy education kit with you on October 14 so that we can reuse it.

Internet of Things
“The Internet of Things” is an established term since it was coined by Cisco. On the Hype Cycle of Gartner, the term is already moving towards the ‘slope of enlightenment. In some industries, this is true: they found the right implementation areas of IoT where the initial investments provide new insights and opportunities to become more efficient or even develop new business models. However, a lot of industries are still struggling with finding the right implementation of IoT. There is a lot of fuzz about it, and the involved technologies are still developing.

Where are we?
This is what a lot of people ask us when we mention the topic of IoT. What are the current best practices, and which technologies are ready to implement? And how do we start? This inspiration course is designed to answer all these questions. The course consists of an introduction to IoT during an online seminar, a preliminary online self-study course followed by a physical event on October 14, 2022, at the IoT Academy in Rotterdam.

Self-study online course “The building blocks of IoT”
The self-study course consists of 4 short (15-20 minutes) courses in which you learn the basics of any IoT solution: the sensor, connectivity, data storage, analysis, and visualization. When you enroll, you receive the IoT Academy education kit, which you use during the course. Along with the kit, you receive access to the SoftwareAG Cumulocity platform, where you can manage the data you create. You can follow this course in your own time and at your own pace,

Physical event
The physical event takes place on Friday, October 14, 2022, at the IoT Academy in Rotterdam. During this event, different inspirational speakers give you insights into best practices, and you get the opportunity to speak to IoT experts and network with like-minded professionals.

IoT Academy, located in the RDM Innovation Dock

The location for this event is the RDM Innovation Dock in Rotterdam. Since its origin in 2016, the IoT Academy is located in this building, surrounded by a dozen innovative companies and organizations. Against the backdrop of a former shipyard representing the second and third industrial revolution, the IoT Academy inspires and supports companies and organisations to use IoT in their day to day operations and products. SoftwareAG is one of the platinum partners of the IoT Academy.

Scheepsbouwweg 8, 3089JW Rotterdam.
Parking is free. See for information on how to get to the IoT Academy.

This event is organized by IoT Academy and SoftwareAG. By registering, you agree that SoftwareAG also receives your contact details.
Both IoT Academy and SoftwareAG will only use your contact details for this event, unless you explicitly give consent for other purposes.

This event is organized by IoT Academy and SoftwareAG. By registering, you agree that SoftwareAG also receives your contact details.
Both IoT Academy and SoftwareAG will only use your contact details for this event, unless you explicitly give consent for other purposes.